It has to be said sometimes I see something
so insanely awesome and think, “Man I wish I was rich!” There are some things
in life that even if I was insanely rich a little part of me would still be
like “Do I actually need this” I kind of feel like this shed is one of those
things. Its amazing, It has won awards, It is at the top when it comes to
designer sheds, but at the same time I think it might look a bit weird in a
normal garden? Maybe? I don’t know…or care, I still love it! It is by De Castelli and is called Casetta N°1. Like I said it has won an award with Wallpaper’s* annual Best
Design Awards. I love how simplistic the design is and yet it seems to speak
volumes. It is one of those pieces that is kind of the hot person at school who
knows it but acts like they don’t, they are cool without even trying. Find out
more info about this amazing piece of design right here.
Sophie xo