Tuesday, 6 November 2012

Knitting Clock - Siren Elise Wilhelmsen

Don't you just love it when piece of art fits perfectly into your life? It's almost like the artist has met you, and had created something so perfect that you can't believe you have found art that is so in sync with you. Enter Siren EliseWilhelmsen, a Norwegian designer who’s work I would argue is art. Her designs are functional and have purpose, but also challenge the viewer with hidden meaning and humour. In particular I am talking about her work Knitting clock, a fully functioning knitting machine which measures time in stitches. It knits for 24 hours a day for a year, and at the end of that year a 2 meter long scarf is created. The idea is that time is measured in a tangible object, once the scarf is complete you can wear the year you have just lived. I loveeeee this clock....honestly I think it is probably the best clock ever! Plus I love knitting and scarves soo win win! I just can't get over how insanely cool it is, I wish I had a knitting clock!
Sophie xo

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